The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare -- Act 4, Scene 2 -- Summary and Analysis
Summary Portia and Nerissa plan to return home straightaway before their husbands return. Gratiano however catches up with them and invites them to dinner. Portia accepts the ring, turns down the invitation and asks Gratiano to show Nerissa to Shylock's house. Finally, Nerissa plans to make Gratiano give her his ring too as a sign of gratitude. Main events Portia accepts Bassanio's ring from Gratiano Nerissa plans to get Gratiano's ring Gratiano will show Nerissa to Shylock's house Participating Characters Nerissa Portia Gratiano Response/ discussion The copycat ring. A metaliterary comment perhaps about repetitiveness of art or lack of imagination? Table of Contents: The Merchant of Venice -- Summary and Analysis Act 1 Scene 1 , Scene 2 , Scene 3 Act 2 Scene 1 , Scene 2 , Scene 3 , Scene 4 , Scene 5 , Scene 6 , Scene 7 , Scene 8 , Scene 9 Act 3 Scene 1 , Scene 2 , Scene 3 , Scene 4 , Scene 5 Act 4 Scene...