MAUS by Art Spiegelman - Summary
Because of the non-linear (flashback-filled) storytelling, I decided to summarize the plot using bullet points instead of conventional paragraphs. The tense of the bulleted sentences indicate the time of occurrence of the item - past or present. The order of the bullet points correspond to the sequence in which the actions appeared in the book. Numbers in parentheses (n) indicate page numbers. I can't tell the edition - the title page of Chapter 1 begins on page 9. ------ The book begins with an epigraph attributed to HITLER: "The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but they are not human" . One/The Sheik · Mala and Vladek don't get along · Vladek had two heart attacks · Art's mother is dead · Art asks Vladek to tell him Vladek's story · Vladek criticizes Art about the way he spends his time ...