
Showing posts with the label William Wordsworth

Poems, In Two Volumes by William Wordsworth - Mini Poem Summaries

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud The poet wanders in the field and encounters a bunch of daffodils, which make him happy. My Heart Leaps Up Rainbows make the speaker happy today, as they did when he was a child The World is Too Much With Us City life corrupts the soul, moves us out of tune with nature. For the narrator, even paganism is better than city life. William Wordsworth

Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth - Mini Poem Summaries

We Are Seven A little girl insists she has seven siblings, even though two are dead. Expostulation and Reply William is asked why he sits and stares at nature uselessly. He replies that there is value not only in activity but in reflection and observation. The Tables Turned The speaker implores his audience to turn from books to nature, and become immersed in the emotions it evokes. Lines, Composed Above Tintern Abbey The narrator returns to a place in nature where he had been five years previously. He reflects upon the location, and how his growth as a person is reflected in his changing attitude towards nature. William Wordsworth