Beowulf (up to the defeat of Grendel) - Analysis

Page numbers from Norton Anthology of English Literature, 4ed.


Money and treasure
                Many references.
                Page 48: Dead warriors are burned with their war gear on
At the fire it was easy to see many a blood-stained battle shirt, boar-images all golden
Page 50: Gifts given to Beowulf in thanks
Twisted gold courteously bestowed on him, two arm-ornaments, a mailshirt and rings, the largest of necklaces of those I have heard spoken of…

Good kings as associated with money and gifts
Page 29
[Scyld] prospered in honors… until every one… had to obey him, pay him tribute. That was a good king.

Loyalty associated with money 
Page 30
                By giving splendid gifts… later in life beloved companions will stand by him

Christian References
                Page 31: Creation
                the Almighty made earth… set up in triumpth the lights of the sun and the moon…
                Page 40: trust in God
                And the man of the Geats had sure trust in his great might, the favor of the Ruler
Page 41
Then from the moor under the mist-hills Grendel came, wearing God's anger

Pagan references
                Page 31: monsters
                The grim spirit held the moors, fen and fastness
                Page 43: Grendel enlists magic
They did not know when they entered the fight… [that] no war-sword would touch the evil-doer… for with a charm he had made victory-weapons useless

                Page 37: referring to the outcome of the fight with Grendel
With my grasp I shall grapple with the enemy, foe for foe… Fate always goes as it must.
Page 39: on surviving the stormy ocean in Beowulf's youth
Fate often saves an undoomed man when his courage is good

Revenge and blood money
                Page 37
                Afterwards I paid blood-money to end the feud

                Page 40
                The war-chief (Hrothgar) would seek the bed of Wealhtheow the queen.
                Page 45
                The king himself walked forth to the women's apartment

                 Page 39: As servers of drink
Hrothgar's queen, mindful of customs… went about to each one of the retainers, young and old, offered them the costly cup
Page 45: as concubines
                The king himself walked forth to the women's apartment
Page 45: as childbearer
Whatever woman brought this son among mankind (Beowulf)… that the God of Old was kind to her in her childbearing


Speaker speaks in the first person
                Page 42: during the fight with Grendel
                There started from the floor- as I have heard say- many a mead-bench…

Meta-literature: references to literature
A man skilled at telling adventures, songs stored in his memory, who could recall many of the stories of the old days, wrought a new tale in his well-joined words; this man undertook with his art to recite in turn Beowulf's exploit

Repeated terms

Beowulf. Illustration source


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