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"Realism and the Novel Form" by Ian Watt - Chapter Summary

Watt, Ian. "Chapter 1: Realism and the Novel Form."   The Rise of the Novel . Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970. Print. The literary form of novel appeared in the 18 th century among a group of writers who had very little in common- Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. However there must have been something prevalent in that era which led them to create this new form. The novel differs from previous work in that it is characterized by realism. Realism isn't to be defined as the opposite of idealism. Realism is the attempt at portrayal of all aspects of human experience. Realism lies in the manner in which life is represented. The novel is marked by the attempt to view life scientifically. The modern idea of realism is that which we perceive via our senses. In the middle ages it was universal ideas which were thought to be true reality. Descartes however hypothesized that reality is perceived by the individual and is not attached to previous ideas on reality. The develop...