The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare -- Act 3, Scene 3 -- Summary and Analysis


Shylock and Antonio are at the jail, apparently. Shylock is obsessed with having his bond, and won't let Antonio say a word. Antonio is to pay his bond on the morrow and hopes Bassanio will be there.

Main events

  • Shylock is in jail and is to pay his bond the next day

Participating Characters

  • Shylock
  • Solanio
  • Antonio
  • Jailer

Response/ discussion

ANTONIO Well, jailer, on. Pray God Bassanio come 35

To see me pay his debt, and then I care not.

He really loves Bassanio- wants to see him on his deathbed. 

Table of Contents: The Merchant of Venice -- Summary and Analysis

The Merchant of Venice. Image source


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